Monday, 18 February 2013

LPC Notes

I am sorry I have not posted anything in a very long time as I have been very busy but I will be talking more about that later!

I am currently undertaking the 7 month LPC and so I have completed the first set of exams.

I have made all my notes using the textbook, the iTuorials, workshop notes and Guru notes (which I do not recommend buying!) and you can find these, for free, below.

I am just putting this up quickly because I know many of you have exams coming up in the next 2 weeks but I promise I will put up my tips and advice as to how to study the LPC/use my notes.

I am not saying they are perfect, but I think they are great because I tailored them to my liking.

I know a lot of people are selling their notes, and I REALLY do not recommend buying them! Trust me, I've seen them all! It's not worth it!

I am not asking for any money, but if you do find these notes helpful then please, please, donate to the link below which helps children who are suffering from the aftermath of war or are still going through war.

The charity helps children with their education, food, health and more, so please, every little helps!

LPC Notes



  1. Thank you for posting those! Unfortunately I only found them after exams, but I was wondering if you had any elective notes that you were planning to make available at all?
    Great job anyway though!

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  3. Thanks these notes are very helpful

  4. Thank you so much! Youre a life saver, good luck with your career!

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